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Tora Black Belt AcademyŠ Scotland


A Weapons sash is a black sash and the weapons patches or awards are put onto the sash. The sash is then worn under the karate obi and tied to the right side.

Like all Martial Arts Belts, Do Not Wash as it is said to take your luck away.

There are 10 grades to each weapon and the first grade patch will say which weapon and the colour of the weapon. After that each grade will be a star in the colour of the weapon patch. There are 10 grades to each weapon with means one weapons patch and 9 stars in that colour.

Always remember that all Martial Arts weapons are not toys, you can never play about with these weapons and they must always be respected. If you do not respect any of these weapons you could harm or even kill someone. Always remember what you have in your hands.

If anyone is found to be using any weapons inappropriately, inside or outside the dojo, the weapons will be taken from them and they will no longer be welcome at any of the Tora Black Belt Academy Clubs and in some cases the police will be notified

The sai () is a traditional Okinawan weapon. The basic form of the weapon is that of a pointed, dagger-shaped truncheon, with two curved prongs called yoku projecting from the handle. The ball of the handle is called the knuckle. Multiple sai are called zai.

A jō (:じょう) is an approximately 1.276 m (4.18 foot) long wooden staff, used in some Japanese martial arts. The martial art of wielding the jō is called jōjutsu or jōdō. Also, aiki-jō is a set of techniques in aikido which uses the jō to illustrate aikido's principles with a weapon. The jō staff is shorter than the .

Nunchucks (ヌンチャク, Nunchaku) is a traditional Okinawan weapon and consists of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain or rope.

The kama ( or かま) is a traditional Okinawan and Japanese farming implement similar to a sickle used for reaping crops and also employed as a weapon. It is considered one of the hardest of Okinawan weapons to learn due to the inherent danger of training with a sharp sickle. The kama is often included in weapon training segments of karate, silat and more obscurely in some Chinese martial arts.

Eskrima, Arnis and Kali refer to a class of Filipino martial arts that emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, blades and improvised weapons. Although training starts with weapons, empty hand techniques, trapping and limb destruction are also a core part of these arts as the weapon is merely an extension of the body.

The Tonfa (Japanese トンファー), also known as tong fa or tuifa, is an Okinawan weapon. It was traditionally made from Red oak and wielded in pairs. A similar weapon called the mea sun sawk is used in krabi krabong.

Shinai (竹刀 しない) is a weapon used for practice and competition in kendo representing a Japanese sword. Shinai are also used in other martial arts, but may be styled differently from kendo shinai

The word "shinai" is derived from the verb shinau (撓う しなう), meaning "to bend, to flex", and was originally short for shinai-take (flexible bamboo). Shinai is written with the kanji 竹刀, meaning "bamboo sword", and is an irregular kanji reading.


Copyright Trieda Hill/Muteki Karate-Do 2005
Tel: 07949896881